Safe Routes To School Program

Safe Routes To School is an international movement and federal program to make it safe, convenient and fun for children, including those with disabilities, to bicycle and walk to school. When routes are safe, walking or biking to and from school is an easy way to get the regular physical activity children need for good health. Safe Routes to Schools initiatives also help ease traffic jams and air pollution. Unite neighborhoods, and contribute to students’ readiness to learn in school.”

On May 14, 2024, Lansing’s Safe Routes To School officials and I met with Baldwin’s Community Schools’ Superintendent, to discuss proposed initiatives to pave sidewalks in this rural northern community.

It is glaring. I saw it from the day I arrived to teach. My students were walking to school in the streets, competing with automobiles. I am reminded everyday that this situation is still untenable. In my opinion, “It’s just plain wrong.” And I plan to do something about it!