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Let’s Make Hating Expensive


From: Kofinsia Clyde A. Welford • To: Senator Gary Peters
Re: Gun Legislation • Cc: Governor Gretchen Whitmer
April, 17th 2023

Dear Senator Gary Peters,

Firstly, I want to thank you for all that you do, especially in your fight to preserve Democracy. The issue I am primarily concerned with is guns. Every other issued in my opinion is in danger of not getting properly addressed because of the constant and eminent threat guns pose, the lives they shatter and the spiraling chaos that seemingly never end. That is why I am formally asking you to present in a bill the following.

Every registered fire arm has to be insured for liability purposes. Every individual owning a fire arm shall be required to insure every firearm that they possess. The reasoning is based on the premise that only the possessors of the weapon are the ones who will destroy the innocent while wreaking havoc on societal norms.

The insurance premiums would go to a newly created governmental entity/agency that’ll decides on the rate and payout for the victims and families. Such a policy would be a cost benefit for individual’s hospital stay, medication, rehabilitation, prescriptions drugs and mental health counseling. Payment for funeral arrangements would also be covered within this bill. If more feasible however, insurance companies might like entertaining the idea of administering similar programs. particularly since if passed, the bill could generate billions, maybe even trillions of dollars.

Weapon manufacturers, the National Rifle Association (NRA) and other gun right groups will also have to pay tier one premiums, because they are the catalyst behind mass shootings which in effect are destabilizing the country. Long guns, or rifles would be more expensive than hand guns to insure. If gun owners pay their premiums without any illegal activity involving their insured firearms, at the end of the year, they’ll get half of their premiums back.

If passed, Second Amendment Activists may possess guns that are legal, they’ll just have to pay the cost in advance of the carnage that they and their free-arms baring constituents will potentially leave in their wake. They can have their proverbial cake and eat the cost too. In principle, this idea is no different from motorists being required to have insurance on a mechanical instrument/device (automobile) capable of causing injury or death to oneself and others. And since weapons of war are produced to do exactly its purpose, which is, namely to kill human beings, it seems logical to presume that more and more injury and death will result. In one very real way, the intended result is unlike accidents associated with automobiles, because shootings and especially mass shootings involves premeditated calculation, decision and intention, all of which are executed by the operator(s). Mass shootings are not accidental. The 2nd Amendment guaranteeing individuals the right to own and possess firearms does not protect citizens from divulging the number of fire arms they have, the make and model included. Failure to disclose such information would be illegal, just as it is illegal to conceal from an officer when stopped that you’re riding with a registered weapon, even though you may have a permit to carry.

We know that passing any gun bill, popular or not, will still be an uphill battle in Congress. That of course is because of the other major party’s resistance, but Governors from states that have a majority in state houses can implement the new law. In time, as gun crimes come down as a result of the new gun law, perhaps more and more states will adopt the approach.

Let’s make hating expensive. Let’s make hating so expense that haters bare the economic brunt that only they have the power to initiate. Hopefully, we can tire, and slow the demonic yoke that is physically assaulting and placing undue burden on people in places where humanity gathers. It’s like a bad science fiction movie, only it’s real.
Sincerely Yours,
Kofinsia Clyde A. Welford


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